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1. Bryant, Ruth A. Acute and chronic wounds : current management concepts / Ruth A. Bryant, Denise P. Nix. - 5th ed.. - St. Louis : Elsevier, 2016. - xii, 632 p. : ill. |
2. Dahlkempter, Tamara R.. Caring for older adults holistically / Tamara R. Dahlkemper. - 6th ed.. - Philadelphia : F. A. Davis Company, 2016. - xiv, 465 p. : ill. |
3. Doenges, Marilynn E.. Application of nursing process and nursing diagnosis : an interactive text for diagnostic reasoning / Marilynn E. Doenges, Mary Frances Moorhouse. - 6th ed.. - Philadelphia : F. A. Davis, 2013. - xxiii, 290 p. : ill. |
4. Pharmacology for nurses / edited by Blaine Templar Smith. - Burlington : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016. - xx, 501 p. : ill. |
5. Hinkle, Janice L.. Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing / Janice L. Hinkle, Kerry H. Cheever. - 13th ed.. - Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, : Wolters Kluwer, 2014. - xxxix, 2170, I74 p. : ill |
6. Ogden, Sheila J. Calculation of drug dosages : a work text / Sheila J. Ogden, Linda K. Fluharty. - 11th ed.. - St. Louis : Elsevier, 2020. - xviii, 618 p.. - Includes index |
7. Willihnganz, Michelle J. Clayton's basic pharmacology for nurses / Michelle J. Willihnganz, Samuel L. Gurevitz, Bruce D. Clayton. - 18th ed.. - St. Louis : Elsevier, 2020. - 825 p. : ill.. - Index: p. 801-825 |
8.Clinical nursing skills : a concept-based approach to learning. Vol. 3 / editor Barbara Callahan. - 2nd ed.. - Boston : Pearson, 2015. - xiii, 630 p. : ill. |
9.Barkley, Elizabeth F. Collaborative learning techniques : a handbook for college faculty / Elizabeth F. Barkley, K. Patricia Cross, and Claire Howell Major. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2005. - xvi, 303 p. : ill.. - (The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series ) |
10.Communication for nurses : talking with patients / edited by Lisa Kennedy Sheldon, Janice B. Foust. - 3rd ed.. - Burlington : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014. - xxi, 291 p. : ill. |
11.Van Leeuwen, Anne M.. Davis's comprehensive handbook of laboratory & diagnostic tests with nursing implications / Anne M. Van Leeuwen, Mickey Lynn Bladh. - 6th ed.. - Philadelphia : F. A. Davis, 2015. - xix, 1786 p. : ill. |
12. Van Leeuwen, Anne M.. Davis's comprehensive handbook of laboratory & diagnostic tests with nursing implications / Anne M. Van Leeuwen, Mickey Lynn Bladh. - 7th ed.. - Philadelphia : F. A. Davis, 2017. - xix, 1760 p. : ill. |
13. Yoost, Barbara L.. Conceptual care mapping : case studies for improving communication, collaboration, and care / Barbara L. Yoost, Lynne R. Crawford. - Philadelphia : Elsevier, 2018. - vi, 231 p. : ill., tab. |
14. Ladewig, Patricia W.. Contemporary maternal-newborn nursing care / Patricia A. Wieland Ladewig, Marcia L. London, Michele R. Davidson. - 9th ed.. - Boston : Pearson, 2017. - xxiii, 822 p. : ill. |
15. Cherry, Barbara. Contemporary nursing : issues, trends, & management / Barbara Cherry, Susan R. Jacob. - 7th ed.. - St. Louis : Elsevier, 2017. - xviii, 516 p. : ill.
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16.Kurzen, Corrine R.. Contemporary practical/vocational nursing / Corrine R . Kurzen. - 8th ed.. - Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer, 2017. - xii, 401 p. : ill. |
17. Nursing care of children : Review module Edition 10.0 / contributors: Norma Jean E. Henry, Honey C. Holman, Brenda S. Ball [et al.] ; consultants: Susan Adcock, Christi Blair, Donna B. Sheaffer [et al.] ; Assessment Technologies Institute. - Leawood : Assessment Technologies Institute LLC, 2017. - viii, 290 p., A14 : ill, tab.. - (Content Mastery Series, Review Module ) |
18. Fundamentals for nursing : Review module Edition 9.0 / contributors: Norma Jean E. Henry, Mendy McMichael, Janean Johnson [et al.] ; consultants: Susan Adcock, Tracey Bousquet, Lakeisha Whekess [et al.] ; Assessment Technologies Institute. - Leawood : Assessment Technologies Institute LLC, 2016. - x, 356 p., A14 : ill, tab.. - (Content Mastery Series, Review Module ) |
19. Nutrition for nursing : Review module Edition 6.0 / contributors: Norma Jean E. Henry, Mendy McMichael, Janean Johnson [et al.] ; consultants: Tracey Bousquet, Penny Fauber, Penny [et al.] ; Assessment Technologies Institute. - Leawood : Assessment Technologies Institute LLC, 2016. - vi, 100 p., A14 : ill, tab.. - (Content Mastery Series, Review Module ) |
20. Adult medical surgical nursing : Review module Edition 10.0 / contributors: Norma Jean E. Henry, Honey C. Holman, Brenda S. Ball [et al.] ; consultants: Tracey Bousquet, Candy L. Madera, Christi Blair [et al.] ; Assessment Technologies Institute. - Leawood : Assessment Technologies Institute LLC, 2017. - xii, 612 p., A14 : ill, tab.. - (Content Mastery Series, Review Module ) |
21. Maternal newborn nursing : Review module Edition 10.0 / contributors: Norma Jean E. Henry, Honey C. Holman, Kellie Wilford [et al.] ; consultants: Christi Blair, Maureen D. Abraham ; Assessment Technologies Institute. - Leawood : Assessment Technologies Institute LLC, 2017. - vii, 150 p., A14. - (Content Mastery Series, Review Module ) |
22. Mental health nursing : Review module Edition 10.0 / contributors: Norma Jean E. Henry, Honey C. Holman, Brenda S. Ball [et al.] ; consultants: Susan Adcock, Deb Johnson-Schuh, Lisa A. Nolan [et al.] ; Assessment Technologies Institute. - Leawood : Assessment Technologies Institute LLC, 2017. - viii, 202 p., A14. - (Content Mastery Series, Review Module ) |
23. Pharmacology for Nursing : Review module Edition 7.0 / contributors: Norma Jean E. Henry, Honey C. Holman, Debborah Williams [et al.] ; consultants: Tracey Bousquet, Deb Johnson-Schuh, LaKeisha Wheless [et al.] ; Assessment Technologies Institute. - Leawood : Assessment Technologies Institute LLC, 2017. - viii, 354 p., A14. - (Content Mastery Series, Review Module ) |
24. Holland, Leland Norman, Jr.. Core concepts in pharmacology / Leland Norman Holland, Jr., Michael Patrick Adams, Jeanine Brice. - 4th ed.. - Boston : Pearson, 2015. - xxiv, 660 p. : ill., tab. |
25. Urden, Linda Diann. Critical care nursing : diagnosis and management / Linda D. Urden, Kathleen M. Stacy, Mary E. Lough. - 7th ed.. - St. Louis : Elsevier, : Mosby, 2014. - xvii, 1087 p. : ill. |